Encoded Designs had teamed up with artist Matt Morrow to create the Character Cache, the blending of character art and game material for GMs and players.
As a GM you will be able to use the Character Cache as a collection of NPCs. The content includes different ways the character can be used in your campaign. If you are a player, the content supplies an illustration of the character, and provides questions to develop backgrounds, personality traits, aspects, and backstory for your character.
Backers received a new Character each month.
The Character Cache characters can be found on the drive thru RPG page:
Download a PDF version to see it up close: Character Cache – Teela Averness
The Patreon campaign was designed to create a better product as it grows. The artwork started with line art, and then moved to color line art, and finally fully painted pieces. Along the way, the Encoded Designs team would include stat blocks to the character, making them useful as NPCs in different games.
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